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Why Clotilde Chaumet's Teacher Training is what one needed in life?


Yoga with Clotilde Chaumet: A Unique Approach & Playful for the Balance of Body and Mind



The world of yoga is vast and diverse, offering endless methods and instructors.
Among these teachers, Clotilde Chaumet stands out for her unique approach to yoga and meditation, offering a perfect balance between ancient tradition and modern needs.
In this article, let's dive into the world of Clotilde Chaumet's yoga training and what makes her method so special.



Who is Clotilde Chaumet?

Is it possible to define her in words?
Clotilde Chaumet is a renowned yoga teacher, known for her passion and commitment to her students, with her Playful side, she constructs and deconstructs all the stereotypes of Yoga.
Her ultra-varied training and experience in different yoga schools have allowed her to shape her approach to Yoga which goes beyond simple physical practice, or even Yoga, but mixes all the elements that fascinate her: Yoga, meditation, creative activities, Sound, crystal bowls, cooking, design, architecture.
Clotilde inspires to explore what's going on inside, both on the mat and in everyday life.

On February 17, 2024, Clotilde will launch the 2nd edition of her YOGA TEACHER TRAINING of 200 hours (and more!) which allows everyone to be Yoga Alliance certified and to teach Yoga if that is their wish.



Why is this Training so special?
The why

The World of Yoga creates debates, who can be a teacher, what method, which teacher has the most "value"... can we do yoga in the modern world? Is this cultural appropriation?

These questions also often lack benevolence, which is nevertheless key in the philosophy of Yoga (See the Yamas & Niyamas).

But the answer we want to give today is: Does Yoga do you good? Does Yoga help you in your life? If so, this is your practice.

Everyone knows their own needs, listen to yourself, if you feel that the desire to train, to teach or not, is working on you, it's time to take a risk, to get out of your comfort zone, to 'go further.

Whether on a physical, mental, emotional level, and in 100 other dimensions, Yoga changes life, and 3 weeks of immersion and learning too.

Some changes that will take place during 3 weeks of intensity never experienced...
Even more energy, a feeling of vitality
Better stress management
Stronger concentration thanks to all meditative practices, and breathing
Leave with flexibility, strength, new asanas
Better emotional awareness = Better management of your emotions
An understanding of oneself
Personal development
A vector of sharing


The format
Three weeks of total immersion around the complete teaching of yoga, personal experiences and analyses, discovering new practices and sharing around a common passion.
In an extraordinary location, Cocoon on the Alentejo coast, Portugal.
With a unique program and lifestyle, between silent slots, meditations, sound baths, daily Yoga session, mindful activities, walking, food, no alcohol, digital detox, and connection with other participants.


The content
An inventory of the fundamental themes of the tradition and philosophy of Yoga, techniques for creating classes, sequences unique to each person.

Broader topics such as Chinese medicine, the practice of Katonah Yoga, hypnosis, the importance of inner language, neurological functioning and neuro-linguistic programming, myofascial release techniques, Mindset and even Marketing workshops ...

The philosophy of Yoga, anatomy, ... and so many other subjects that open the mind.


Physical practice
Anyone who has already practiced with Clotilde knows how creative, different her sequences are, and give a real breath of fresh air to our practices.
Physical practices that make you progress quickly.
Practices where we concentrate on what is happening inside, on the sound, on our breathing, on ourselves.

The mind and the mindset
Beyond the physical practice, Yoga encourages mindfulness, a practice which consists of being fully present in the present moment, to improve one's quality of life.
Yoga contributes to self-confidence, to cultivating a positive attitude towards one's body and mind
It is also the Creation of a Positive Mental Space. Moments of calm and meditation in yoga allow you to free yourself from daily stress and cultivate a more optimistic attitude.


Clotilde, Sandra, Ben... and many more will bring their stone to the building.


The sound
Clotildes' classes are always tuned to the second on sound, sound which sometimes brings out in us a real intensity, emotions... whether it is the sound of music, bowls, a module is dedicated to sound therapy and music therapy.


The Fusion of Traditional and Modern
Clotilde's creative vision uses traditional concepts, Asthanga, meditation, and with her words, comes to life in our daily lives.

The community
Immersion with a group, in an experience so intense, so personal, creates bonds.

A Yoga Training is above all and above all 3 weeks for yourself, in front of yourself, with few distractions other than those of our daily life.

It's an investment for health.



Do you have questions? Let us know and we will answer it, with the help of Clotilde.

Do you want to participate in Clotilde’s Training? Tell us.



Register YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Clotilde Chaumet From 17th of February until 8th of March


 Photo Crédit - Clotilde Chaumet -


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