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Soundbaths, everything you want to know

More and more sound baths, featuring crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls, and other instruments, are being offered in studios and online.

We wanted to demystify this topic.

Of course, it's an open subject, with ongoing studies. Therefore, we suggest taking only the information that interests you and not considering it a general truth.

Whatever sound baths mean on a mental level, they undoubtedly offer deep relaxation, from which our brains can only benefit.


The Power of Sound

The body is composed of 70% water, a super powerful energy vector.

The oscillations that travel through water, within our bodies or in nature, have the ability to transform cellular memory.

The frequencies emanating from crystal bowls could reach the cellular level, creating a vibrational change in our cells.

Energy in the body flows in a state of deep tranquility and mental relaxation.

Balancing energy can be felt differently for each person, more or less comfortably.

During the session, one may go through unpleasant phases (frustration, restlessness, desire to shout, move, anger, discomfort...), indicating a release of blockage. Breathing can be used to navigate through this phase.


Brain Waves

In the brain, transitioning from Beta waves (associated with mental load, daily activity, a stressful day, etc.) to Alpha waves (providing calmness, deep relaxation, ...) and sometimes even Theta waves (inducing deep meditation, a state of "altered consciousness" between wakefulness and sleep) can occur.

These waves are slow electrical brain frequencies, moments of REM sleep, dreaming, a state of deep meditation, and more direct access to the unconscious. This is the time for creative ideas, deep intuitions, memories, personal insights, or simply profound relaxation.

It can be a phase of deep connection with the universe, mental clarity, and more.

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